Month: November 1999

True Heroes

Columnist Leonard Pitts Jr. writes about the need for heroes: "My middle son, Marlon, complained to me just the other day that his generation is coming of age 'in a world without heroes.' . . . His words tugged at me. . . . Our children have learned to wait for the other shoe to drop, for 'heroes' to be unmasked and values betrayed."

Immortal Deeds

Which of your accomplishments do you think will be most remembered and valued by others?

God, Donkeys, And Us

Pastor Gumercindo rides a donkey as he travels from village to village in Brazil and preaches the gospel. According to author Don Hare, the traveling evangelist fell asleep in the saddle on his return home after a tiring day. A couple of hours later he was rudely awakened by the roughness of the ride. His donkey had left the trail and was walking through a rocky field. At first the pastor was angry, but he calmed down when he saw that they were almost back to his village.

One In A Million

In 1984 the newspapers told of the plight of a child in Mexico City. The 4-year-old boy had been orphaned and severely burned in a gas explosion that took the lives of 500 people. Millions saw the story and probably quickly forgot about it. But one woman in New York City was deeply moved and couldn't get the little boy off her mind.

When Life Is Cut Short

My husband Bill died of cancer in1982. He was only 48 and was still energetic in ministry. Many have asked, "Why was Bill taken at such a young age when he was accomplishing so much for the Lord?"

Between Past And Future

When we think of what God has done for us in the past, we can move confidently into the future. This was true for the people of Israel as they traveled from Egypt to the Promised Land.

God Reigns

During the days of the Cold War, this startling headline appeared in The Grand Rapids Press: "Computer Error Could Start War."

What To Give Our Children

Each year, Americans spend $24 billion on their children. Much of that is for essentials, but billions go for an endless catalog of "things"— Furbies, Barbies, Beanies, CDs, TVs.

'Better Late Than Never!'

A group of senior citizens asked me to be their guest speaker. I chose to talk about Jesus' words to Nicodemus, "You must be born again" (Jn. 3:7).